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Field Set for 37th Utah Mid-Amateur Championship
by Bailey Bagley
Three qualifiers this week set the 37th Utah Mid-Amateur Championship at Bonneville GC next week on May 16-17th. The UGA held 3 qualifiers this week at Glendale GC on Tuesday, May 7th, Sleepy Ridge GC on Wednesday, May 8th, and Davis Park GC on Thursday, May 9th to set up the Championship.
Qualifying kicked off Tuesday with inclement weather at Glendale GC as the rain poured down on the players all morning and the wind picked up in the afternoon with small bouts of snow here and there. Matthew Berzovich -6 (66) finished as medalist with 19 players qualifying and the cut coming in at +5 (77).
The next qualifier at Sleepy Ridge GC brought upon clear skies, a shining sun and a slight breeze. Devin Andrews -4 (68) finished as the medalist with 20 players qualifying and the cut coming in at +3 (75).
Another 20 spots were filled as the final qualifier was held at Davis Park GC with a cold windy chill. Eric Anderson -3 (68) finished the day as the medalist and the cut for the day came in at +4 (75).
The championship is set to be at Bonneville GC on May 16-17. Players will play 36 holes on Thursday, the 16th with a cut to the low 40 and ties for the final round on Friday the 17th.
For the championship webpage, Click Here.