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UGA Welcomes New Board Member Rick Shew
By Mason Day
The only thing that can mitigate a sad goodbye is a happy hello. Though the UGA has said goodbye to a few members of their board this year, new faces will be replacing them. One of which is long-time volunteer and rules official, Rick Shew. Rick has spent a lot of time around Utah golf. His fondest first memories of golf were with his dad. “He would take me out with him and I’d pull the pull-cart and be his ‘caddy’,” Shew explained, “but my favorite part was when we found a hill and my dad pulled me down it while I sat on the cart.”
Shew started golfing early at an early age at Alpine Country Club where his dad was a member. As he interacted with other members, they all mentioned that he should volunteer with the UGA. So, hoping to give something back to the game, Shew went to rules training and started volunteering. He was elected onto the board for this upcoming year for the first time.
While discussing some challenges and things he wants to accomplish, Shew mentioned, “…golf has grown so much. The challenge will be to retain the players that [golf] has gained during the pandemic.” This is an admirable goal and he believes if more handicaps are welcome to courses, if play is faster, and if golfers are more educated then these players will have a higher likelihood to stay.
Rick Shew respects the UGA as an organization and wants to help the game in any way he can. He’ll be a part of the Competition and Players Advisory committee in the upcoming year. Shew has served on the board at his home club, Alpine, three separate times. He’s had great experience listening to players’ concerns and helping make competitions better and smoother. This experience will surely assist him in fulfilling all the duties awaiting him as a board member of the UGA. Welcome Rick Shew! We’re excited to have you.