
Check out what has been happening in Utah Golf.

HER Fairways Feedback Survey for a Chance to Win a UGA Prize Pack


For women, about women and all things golf!

The Utah Golf Association and Fairways Media have partnered again to bring women’s golf to Utah. During the golf season, the UGA will send out a monthly HER Fairways newsletter that will include featured stories, upcoming tournaments and more. All this and so much more can be found on the HER Fairways webpage on located under the News tab. 

The UGA would like to thank everyone who has helped out with putting together HER Fairways! To help the UGA improve HER Fairways and women’s golf in Utah, please fill out this 5 question survey. Anyone who fills out this survey will be enter for a chance to win a UGA prize pack. Your feedback means a lot to us and we would like to know what you want to see more of in the next HER Fairways! Click the link below to take the survey: