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Megan Terry Hired as UGA Programs Administrator
By Joe Watts
Bill Walker, Executive Director of the Utah Golf Association, announced today that the UGA has increased its staff to include a full-time programs administrator, and that the position will be filled by Megan Terry, the 2015 USGA Boatwright Intern at the UGA.
“Our programs are expanding, and we need good people to administer them,” Walker said.
“Megan proved to be a valuable asset as our USGA Boatwright Intern. She brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm as well as a wide range of abilities to this new position,” he said.
For Megan, working for the UGA is a dream come true.
“I am absolutely elated,” she said. “Working in golf is what I’ve dreamed of doing since I started playing competitively at Bingham High School. Every college class and internship over the past four years was intended to prepare me for this moment. There’s no place I’d rather be.”
“I will be working closely with the Youth on Course and Veterans on Course programs, initiatives I am very excited about. Promoting golf to all generations happens to be a growing passion of mine,” she said.
Her responsibilities will also include communications and operational support of the Utah Golf Foundation, UGA Team Play, and UGA Course Rating.
The UGA Team Play Leagues are significant and include six leagues that consist of 80 member club teams and involve about 500 players.
Administering the USGA Course Rating System is time consuming and detailed and includes travel, both in state and out of state.
She will also carry a large responsibility for content on and all UGA social media platforms.
Megan comes from a significant golfing background. She is the daughter of Dave and Pam Terry. Dave is a former UGA Board member and recently retired as the Salt Lake City Director of Golf. Prior to that, he was the St. George City Director of Golf and served on the staff of the Utah Section of the PGA.
Megan recently graduated from Utah Valley University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and business management. Prior to interning at the UGA, she was a traveling communications intern for the American Junior Golf Association.