
Check out what has been happening in Utah Golf.

Utah Golf Hall of Fame October 10th - RSVP Deadline is Oct. 6th

The Utah Golf Hall of Fame will be inducting 5 new members in 2015. Join in the celebration of honoring these inductees on October 10th at the Marriott City Center in downtown Salt Lake City. 

Inductees include: Jeff Beaudry, Jimmy Blair, Keith Hansen, Mike Malaska and Mark Passey



Saturday October 10th – 5:30 pm Social, 6:30 Dinner

Marriot City Center – 220 S State St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Dress will be coat and tie


Table Sponsorships available for $1,250 per table.

$50 per plate for individuals. To secure your reservation contact the UGA at 801-563-0400 with payment information.

For more details contact the Utah Golf Association at 801-563-0400

RSVP Deadline is October 6, 2015


Hotel Information:

Book your group rate for Utah Golf Association Awards Dinner