
Check out what has been happening in Utah Golf.

Passionate Golfers Oppose Golf Course Closures at Overflow SLC Hearing

Golfers turned out in droves, overflowed the hearing room, and spoke one-after-another for two hours in an impressive show of opposition to the closure of any Salt Lake City golf course at a public hearing in the Salt Lake City and County Building Tuesday night.

Nary a person was there to speak in favor of closing any golf course. All were unified in opposing closure of any course. The Rose Park and Glendale communities, the two golf courses the city council has been considering closing, were especially well represented and were not pitted one against the other, but in support of keeping both golf courses open.

Old, young, men, and women of all sections of town spoke respectfully and eloquently of their love of the game, the importance it plays in their lives, and the contribution it makes to each community.

Golf leaders from the amateur and professional golf associations were present and pointed out the positive impact golf has on the life style of the state, and of its positive economic input. Numerous golf professionals and other golf employees spoke on the importance of the game to the city and state.

The rules of the hearing that prohibited applause were respectfully adhered to, but all speakers were uniform in support of resolving the funding issues without closing golf courses. Many seniors, men and women, spoke eloquenty about the sport and its importance to them.

Numerous speakers criticized the rigidity of the Golf Enterprise fund that requires golf to be entirely self-supporting while all other sports and activities, including theatre and the arts, are supported by city subsidy.

“It seemed to be a very successful hearing,” said Bill Walker, UGA Executive Director. “The city council had to be very impressed with the passion of the people in support of golf. I’m sure some of them had to be surprised at the massive and enthusiastic response from the golfing community,” he said.

“There is more work to be done,” he added, “and we need to build on this show of passion to continue to educate the council members on the importance of golf.”

All in all it was a good night for golf in Utah. It had to have a positive influence on every council member, and probably was a surprise to those council members who have not been as aware of the passion of the golf community.

Perhaps no sport has more passionate advocates than golf. It sure seemed that way Tuesday night in city hall.