
Check out what has been happening in Utah Golf.

Goddard Cup Takes on Ryder Cup Format

The Goddard Cup has taken a new appearance this year and will be played in the format of the Ryder Cup matches between two teams of Utah women golfers. The competition will be held Friday at Promontory Country Club. A UGA committee selected the teams.
The White Team will include Lea Garner, Haley Dunn, Martha Scott, Jean Labrie, Maria Shriver, Amy Mayberry, Nuny Kham-one, and Sally Milbank.
The Pink Team will consist of Kelsey Chugg, Sadie Palmer, Kareen Alton, Naomi Soifua, Kim, Wendy Jerman, Joyce Billings, and Karen Gardiner. 
The morning foursome matches (alternate shot) will pit the duo of Garner-Dunn against Palmer-Chugg and Scott-Labrie and Soifua-Alton in the gross division.
The net division will pit Kham-One-Shiver against Kim-Jerman and Mayberry-Milbank versus Gardiner-Billings.
The afternoon format will be individual matches simultaneously with the Four Ball matches with the following pairings:
Gross Division- Garner vs. Chugg;  Dunn vs. Palmer; Scott vs.Soifua; Labrie vs. Alton
Net Division: Kham-One vs. Kim; Shiver vs. Jerman; Mayberry vs. Billings; Milbank vs. Gardiner