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UGA Website Score Posting Issue Identified
We have received a number of calls in recent weeks regarding user’s not being able to post scores via the UGA website. GHIN was able to diagnose this issue and determined that it is isolated to users of IE7 who have received a recent priority update from Microsoft.
Below is the detailed description and 2 workarounds.
Problem Description:When attempting to post scores, the drop-down boxes for Type, Holes, State, Starts With, Course, and Tee do not function.
Solution:This is due to a Windows Update that was released on October 11, 2011. The Update is Microsoft Knowledgebase Article number KB2586448, and it is classified as MS11-081: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer: October 11, 2011.
There are 2 resolutions for this issue.
1) Remove the Windows Update. This can be done by following these steps:
Open the Control Panel*Double-click Add or Remove Programs*From the Add or Remove Programs window, make sure that the check box for Show updates is checked. This is located at the very top of the window*Scroll down to the section labeled Windows Internet Explorer 7 – Software Updates*Click on Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 (KB2586448) and click the Remove button*You may be prompted that this update is associated with Flash Player. Select OK*Follow the Uninstall Wizard to remove this update
2) Update the version of Internet Explorer.
The most recent version of Internet Explorer that can be installed on your system can be downloaded for free at
This Update only affects with Internet Explorer 7.0. functions correctly even if this update is installed on a computer that uses Internet Explorer 8.0 or Internet Explorer 9.0 as the browser.Other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera are not affected by this update.