
Check out what has been happening in Utah Golf.

Correction! Clay Bingham Still Owns PPR Record

We stand corrected. Zac Blair’s incredible 20.02 ranking in the UGA Player Performance Rankings is NOT an all-time record. A 20.02 ranking is better than a second place average by just a tich, and who could have ever been higher?   We forgot, oh, how time moves on, about the  incredible win streak by Clay Bingham who won the  Provo Open, Spanish Oaks Open, Winterchamps and the  Art City Amateur during a skein of six events that  included second place in the St. George Am and  runnerup in the Utah State Am. His PPR ranking was 22.6. Wow! How good is that?  It’s very, very good. In fact, if Zac wins Winterchamps and Fox Hollow he would still be a fraction short.  Hats off to Clay Bingham for that incredible streak back in 2004. That record may stand forever.